Full Member Application

Over $1million in Revenue

Note: If your revenue is under $1mil in revenue, you do not qualify for EO - however our EO Accelerator program is designed just for you.

Congratulations! You have been invited to apply for membership to the Entrepreneur's Organization-Philadelphia Chapter. This application will be reviewed by our Membership team, the Board of Directors, and the Philadelphia EO membership.

The membership process begins with:

  • This application

  • A phone conversation with a Membership Committee member

  • Verification of your business gross revenue (click here to view the form)

Once those steps are complete, the membership team of EO Philadelphia will review this application for a final vote.

You have been invited because either a member or a referral believes you would be a strong candidate for membership. The membership process is selective, as we strive to maintain the integrity, core values, and mission of EO - to engage the world’s leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow.

"The first thing that jumps out at me when discussing EO’s impact on my life is culture. When I attended EO’s Key Executive Program, it dawned on my business partner and I that we weren’t recognizing our employees or providing a platform for them to thrive on. EO helped us see that and ultimately improve our culture.

Eric Griffin, Co-founder of Mobile Outfitters, joined EO in March 2014.