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Emerge to Scale Your EO Business: How Big, How Fast, and How Much Risk

Emerge to Scale Your EO Business: How Big, How Fast, and How Much Risk


Date: March 16, 2022

Time: 2 pm -5 pm

Venue: Zoom link will be circulated to those who register for the virtual event.

Attendees: EO Philadelphia Members, EOA Participants, and SAPs.

Overview: As an entrepreneur, understanding and overcoming your growth limitations can be tricky. Even more difficult is making sure you have the right capital structure in place for growth. Better yet, do we have any clue how to efficiently track the return on investment of that money, time, effort, and energy? If you’ve never assessed what risk level you are comfortable taking during your growth journey, this is a great session for you. It is a chance to pause, evaluate, and ask the right questions about your growth plan. Are you happy with your current growth plan or do you want to make changes? If it’s not going the way you want it to, we’ll provide you with tools and a framework to address it.

What is unique about this event is that participants will break out into small groups with EO members from around the world and a Scaling Up Coach in a forum-like setting to understand the restraints in your business and how to break through them. It is invaluable to learn from peers' perspectives.

Ami Kassar, an author and expert in SBA lending and business funding will introduce you to a new mindset, and a new tool. During this session, you’ll look back on your 2021 finances to determine how much money you have invested back in your business over the past year. You’ll learn how to define what was spent on operating expenses vs. investment expenses! And you’ll brainstorm to uncover mechanisms to optimize, track and monitor your investment spend in 2022 moving forward.

Questions you’ll learn how to answer are:

  • If you maintained your current investment spend – what is the forecasted growth?

  • If you doubled your investment spending over the next 12 months, how would the money be spent, and where would your business expect to grow?

  • If you tripled your investment spend, what would the outcome look like?

Each of the three scenarios need to be funded/financed. Will this come from cash flow, debt, or equity… and what are the trade-offs? Knowing the answers to these questions, and more, will create your velocity matrix, the tool used to help you choose the right investment path for you. Join us March 16, 2022 from 2pm-5pm EST for our Velocity Matrix virtual workshop.

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