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Going Global Dine Arounds!


‘Tis the season for gathering


Date: December 4, 2021

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: Various Members’ Houses. Select your destination here!

  • ITALIAN cuisine @ The Brady household

  • INDIAN cuisine @ The Dhruva household - No Alcohol & Vegetarian meal. Vaccinated preferred.

  • SPANISH cuisine @ The Johnson household

  • Mexican cuisine @ The Kassar household - Pescatarian cuisine and all attendees must be vaccinated

  • ASIAN cuisine @ The Keiles household - all attendees must be vaccinated.

  • FRENCH cuisine @ The O’Connor household (CAPACITY REACHED)

Attendees: EO Philadelphia Members, SAPs, and spouses

RSVP: We ask members to please RSVP early so we can assign each attendee a host home. Deadline by November 26th.


This year instead of one LARGE group event during the holiday time, EO Philadelphia will host a series of Member hosted Dinners at Members Homes! The idea is a more intimate opportunity to meet and connect with fellow EO'ers and SAPs, something I know we are all eager to do! 

  1. This event will be open to EO Members, our Strategic Partners, and their significant others.

  2. Up to 12 people at each house

  3. Each house will host a different GLOBAL THEME & CUISINE.

  4. Guests will be assigned their home 2 weeks prior to the event.

  5. Please notate on your registration if you have any dietary restrictions.

Please note that many of our houses will have dietary and COVID-related restrictions which are noted above. Some homes may require vaccinations, some may require proof of negative tests, and some may have no restrictions. We are supporting the EO core value of “trust and respect” for our members who are opening their homes. We ask that attendees complete the following form in order to help us make group arrangements:

December 2

Trailblazing Women CEO Breakfast

December 16

Emerge to Scale Your EO Business in 2021: Faster Cash to the Bank