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Emerge to Scale Your EO Business in 2021: Faster Cash to the Bank

Emerge to Scale Your EO Business in 2021: Faster Cash to the Bank!


Date: December 16, 2021

Time: 2 pm -5 pm Eastern Time

Venue: Zoom link will be circulated to those who register for the virtual event.

Attendees: EO Philadelphia Members, EOA Participants, and SAPs. This event is also open to all other EO Chapters to participate. Please note the time zone when registering.

Overview: Emerge this Winter with Faster Cash to the Bank!  Ever heard of your Cash Conversion Cycle? Any idea how to accelerate it from the initial sale toward faster cash deposited in the bank? Come network & join other EO members from across the globe to learn in one 3-hour session how to accelerate your cash by brainstorming ways to improve your cycles during; sales, make/buy, delivery, and billing/payment. This is a proactive time to strategically work “on your business” as the CEO, rather than “in your business” day-to-day – so let’s all take advantage!

Certified Scaling Up Coaches will help you personally define specific ways to shorten your cycle times to get cash flowing through your company faster. Expert coaches will encourage you with ideas on how to eliminate mistakes at the company to save money with efficiency. Plus, discuss how to improve your overall business model toward a high recurring revenue, or high collections rate success model. As an exclusive-EO benefit, all attendees who RSVP and attend the live event will be offered a BONUS one-hour, private coaching session with their certified Scaling Up Coach, where they can experience their personalized Scaling Up Cashflow Story with up to 4 years of your financing trends.

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